






2019-1-28 13:08| 发布者: xiaos| 查看: 866| 评论: 0

摘要: Question 1. What is vitiligo? 问题 1. 什么是白癜风? Key points 要点 •Vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder resulting in typically asymptomatic white macules that can appear at any tim ...

Question 1. What is vitiligo?

问题 1. 什么是白癜风?


Key points


Vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder resulting in typically asymptomatic white macules that can appear at any time during human life and can be psychologically devastating.

•典型白癜风是一种表现为无症状白斑的色 素性疾病,可出现于一生中的任何时间/ 发生于任何年龄,并给患者带来心理上的 严重打击。

It occurs in all skin types and at all ages, with equal frequencies between men and women.

•它可发生于所有皮肤类型和各个年龄段, 男女发病率相同。

Vitiligo is considered to be an autoimmune disease with an underlying genetic predisposition in the majority of cases.


•白癜风被认为是一种自身免疫性疾病,在 大多数病例中有潜在的遗传倾向。

Vitiligo is not caused by poor medical care.



Personal behavior or state of mind may play an important role in the disease management.


•个人的行为或心态在疾病治疗中可能发挥 重要作用。


Vitiligo is never a contagious disease, but infective agents may apparently play an indirect role in some cases.


•白癜风并不是传染性疾病,但有时候感染 因素可能明显地发挥间接作用。


Vitiligo is not related to bad diet, but correct diet may help.


•白癜风与不良饮食无关,但良好的饮食可 能对此病有所帮助。

Vitiligo seems not to be directly related to pollution, but the environment plays a major role in vitiligo development.


•白癜风似乎与污染没有直接关系,但环境 在白癜风发展中起着主要作用。

Vitiligo is not clearly genetically transmitted.




Progression of the disease can be halted in about 90% of cases, if treatment is sought.


•若患者寻求治疗,约 90%的病例可控制


A cure is not yet known for each and every case, but adequate medical and /or surgical therapies may treat satisfactorily over 75% of the affected subjects.


并非所有患者都能治愈,但是,充分的内科 /或外科疗法可使超过 75%的患者达到满 意的治疗效果。

Be optimistic! It is not true that there is nothing that can be done for vitiligo. In fact, just the opposite is true and research is happening all over the world to find the cure for vitiligo.


•要!策是确的实上,正好相反,世界各地都在探索白癜 风的治愈方法。



Vitiligo is an acquired sudden loss of the inherited skin color. Despite its long recognition, the cause of this disorder is still unknown. The loss of skin color yields white patches of various sizes, which can be localized anywhere on the body. The disease affects people of all races, men and women, and all age groups. It may appear at any age; cases have been reported as early as 6 weeks after birth and after 80 years of age.


白癜风是一种获得性的原本肤色缺失的疾 由来清楚 其病缺失产生白 色斑身体的任任何 种均可出现 在任龄段病例报道出生 6 周的








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